Program 2019
- Imaging the Biomechanics of Life From January 13, 2019 to January 18, 2019Exploring physical parameters in patients, e.g. liver elasticity, arterial pulsation, palpation of nodes and tumors, temperature, etc. is an old medical approach but, paradoxically, its scientific basis has remained poorly understood. New tools developed for high level physics are now coming into use to image the biomechanics of life: Atomic Force Microscopy, Optical Coherence Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Elastometry and Diffusion, Ultrafast ultrasound, Multispectral Optoacoustic tomography, Optical tweezers... are inducing a dramatic shift in exploration of live organisms.Find out more
- Environmental Fluid Dynamics: Confronting Grand Challenges From January 20, 2019 to January 25, 2019Environmental fluid dynamics underlies a wealth of natural, industrial and societal challenges. As we strive towards a more sustainable planet, there are a wide range of problems that need to be tackled, ranging from fundamental advances in understanding and modeling of stratified turbulence and mixing, to applied studies of pollution transport in the ocean, atmosphere and urban environments. The objective is to gather leading figures in the field to produce a road map for the scientific community.Find out more
- 4th Innovative Training Network CREEP Workshop From January 27, 2019 to February 1, 2019The final workshop of the CREEP InnovativeTraining Network (EU-H2020) will focus on: - the rheology of geological materials, which show complex time-dependent mechanical behaviours and in which feedbacks between processes like microstructural evolution, shear heating, or fluid flow may trigger strain localization; how these rheologies affect the dynamics of our planet, from the global scale to human-induced seismicity, and industrial activities, like energy production, geological storage of fuels or wastes, and production of high-performance glasses.Find out more
- Avalanche Dynamics and Precursors of Catastrophic Events From February 3, 2019 to February 8, 2019In nature as well as in many technical applications, one encounters the sometimes problematic phenomenon of intermittent dynamics, associated to avalanches, that are complex geometrical objects on scales that can span many orders of magnitude. This workshop aims at bringing together experts from various different fields to develop further the understanding of the nonlinear spatio-temporal response of avalanche systems and to find ways to define precursors that could help to prevent catastrophic events.Find out more
- Ultrafast Opto-Magneto-Electronics for Non-dissipative Information Technology From February 10, 2019 to February 15, 2019The combined workshop/school will be devoted to the emerging field of ultrafast opto-magneto-electronics, that combines the ideas and concepts of opto-magnetism and spin transport with photonics for ultrafast low-dissipative manipulation and storage of information. Both light and spin currents can control magnetic order, but mechanisms as well as corresponding time scales and energy dissipation differ. The ideal will be to combine the best of both worlds, from short time scales and non-dissipative propagation of light and to nanoscale selectivity and strong interactions of spin currents.Find out more
- Physics and Mathematics of Turbulent Flows at Different Scales From February 24, 2019 to March 1, 2019The school will bring together experts in physics, mathematics, and (geo)physical fluids. We wish to attract participants with a background in mathematics and physics leading them towards open problems in geophysical fluid dynamics. The presence of rotation and stratification makes the understanding of geophysical turbulence extremely hard, the existence of multiple scales of motions makes direct numerical modelling not entirely feasible. New ideas from statistical mechanics and dynamical systems theory are needed to improve our ability to perform prediction in a deterministic and statistical sense. The lectures will focus on advances on the mathematics and physics of fluid flows at different scales. Four main streams of activities will be explored, based on the paradigm of deterministic chaotic systems, stochastic dynamics, theory of turbulence, and statistical mechanics. The lectures will cover simultaneously theoretical analytic advances in these areas as well as computational techniques.Find out more
- Therapeutic Ultrasound From March 3, 2019 to March 8, 2019This Winter School will explore the rapidly emerging field of therapeutic ultrasound. Topics will range from an introduction to the physics and biophysics necessary for understanding these techniques through to their clinical application.This is a broad and complex topic in which the synergy of a multidisciplinary approach is particularly valuableFind out more
- Doctoral Training: Son et Lumière 2019, Wave Interactions at the Nanoscale From March 11, 2019 to March 22, 2019This manifestation will constitute the 7th edition of the Son et Lumière international school devoted to nanophononics, a multidisciplinary research field aiming at studying vibrations (phonons) in systems with a nanometric size or structuration, as well as their interaction with light and other waves. The two main goals of the school are to favor interactions between the different communities involved in nanophononics (optics, acoustics, thermal transfer, optomechanics, …) and to provide a detailed overview of this field for young researchers.Find out more
- Optimization and Statistical Learning - OSL 2019 From March 24, 2019 to March 29, 2019This session focuses on recent advances in machine learning and mathematicaloptimization, with a special emphasis on their synergies with physicalsciences. Both theoretical aspects and computational aspects in large-scalesettings are of interest.Find out more
- Multiscale Modeling of Chromatin: Bridging Experiment with Theory From March 31, 2019 to April 5, 2019This meeting will bring together biologists, chemists, physicists, and mathematicians to discuss and launch collaborations to advance the field of chromatin modeling and applications through new conceptual approaches and perspectives.The meeting will emphasize the unique multiscale features and properties of chromatin, from DNA to nuclear organization and interactions, and will encourage/enhance the development of multiscale models and experimental strategies needed to address all relevant components of the chromatin folding problem. Such multiscale approaches, combining experimental data and modeling/informatics, are necessary to extract and identify structure/function relationships on various scales, from individual base pairs to whole genomes, and to pursue important applications in epigenetics and medicine.Find out more
- New Challenges in Turbulence Research V From April 7, 2019 to April 12, 2019The NCTRV school will offer 21 h of lectures at the same time pedagogical and of the highest level on some of the major topics of the current research on turbulence. It is part of a series of international schools held, since 2010, at the École des Houches. This edition will focus on: Fundamental aspects of turbulence, Geophysical turbulence, Quantum turbulence, Instrumentation and analysis for the study of turbulence. In parallel to the lectures, some sessions will be devoted to participants’ talks.Find out more
- Light Matter Interaction in Dilute Media and Individual Quantum Systems From April 14, 2019 to April 19, 2019
- High Precision Physics Using an Optical Fiber Link and Optical Frequency Comb From April 22, 2019 to April 26, 2019The goal of this school is to broadcast among a wide community of physicist the possibilities of high precision measurement thanks to the optical fiber transfer of an optical frequency reference, coupled to an optical frequency comb. The considered applications concern tests for fundamental physics, geodesy and astrophysical observations, as well as new protocols for atomic and molecular spectroscopy, made possible by these tools.Find out more
- Critical and Collective Effects in Graphs and Networks (CCEGN - 2019) From May 5, 2019 to May 10, 2019In the spirit of the past CCEGN workshops, the CCEGN-2019 continues to explore the topics at the interface between network science, statistical physics, and random graphs. The CCEGN-2019 will bring together top researchers working in these areas. The workshop aims at facilitating the transfer of ideas, insights and interdisciplinary approaches to tackle new and exciting problems in random graphs and real networks. Topics include: - Spreading phenomena and other dynamical process on networks, Griffits phases and spectral methods - Metric structure of random graphs, and spatially embedded random graphs - Random graphs with quenched disorder, microcanonical and canonical ensembles of random graphs, phase transitions, belief propagation and related questions - Statistical methods in interdisciplinary applications: social and ecological networks, genomic networks, neuroscience.Find out more
- Doctoral Training: The Multiple Approaches to Plasma Physics from Laboratory to Astrophysics From May 13, 2019 to May 24, 2019The school focuses on plasma physics and its manifestations in laboratory experiments, space environment and in astrophysics. It targets an international audience primarily composed of PhD students and junior postdoctoral researchers. The objective is to introduce the participants to a wide range of fundamental aspects of plasma physics, as well as on the state-of-the-art in many of the sub-disciplines.Find out more
- Doctoral Training: Biology at Different Scales: Interplay between Physics and Integrative Biology => Cancelled From May 27, 2019 to June 7, 2019PhD students will learn how a biological problem can be tackled by an integrated approach, from atoms to the whole organism, and how physics contributes to model biological processes. Several topics will be covered: cell and tissue morphogenesis, role of membranes: remodeling and transport, concepts from physics applied to biology, state-of-the-art experimental approaches, links between cellular and structural biology. Concepts and methods will be illustrated with two research fields: Plant morphogenesis from gene to flowers, and Exocytosis, morphology and transport at the synapse.Find out more
- Physics at TeV Colliders From June 10, 2019 to June 28, 2019The Workshop aims at bringing together theorists and experimentalists working on the phenomenology of the TeV colliders with an emphasis on the physics at the LHC. The 2019 session will concentrate on the results of the Run 2 and its consequences. The series gives as much attention to progress in new techniques for the simulation of Standard Model processes as well as to the latest developments concerning new mechanisms of symmetry breaking and the New Physics. Studies are conducted within working groups covering these various aspects of collider physics. In addition an inter-group dedicated to Tools and Monte Carlos is set up.Find out more
- Summer School: Quantum Information Machines From July 1, 2019 to July 26, 2019At the forefront of the design of quantum information machines lies the exploration of how one can protect quantum information from decoherence by collective effects in an open quantum system. The school thus aims at providing participants with a clear picture of the tools at our disposal to engineer quantum information machines with a focus on quantum error correction.Find out more
- Summer School: Dynamics and Disorder in Quantum Many Body Systems Far from Equilibrium From July 29, 2019 to August 23, 2019The interplay of disorder and interactions in far-from-equilibrium quantum many body systems gives rise to fascinating emergent phenomena. While many questions remain open, spectacular theoretical and experimental progress at the interface of condensed matter, AMO physics, and quantum information now triggers a new wave of interest for this field. The aim of this session is to train young researchers from a broad community to the most advanced questions in this field.Find out more
- Multiscale Dynamics of Molecular Systems From August 25, 2019 to August 30, 2019This workshop is dedicated to the study of dynamical processesfollowing a laser or collisional excitation, in isolated or solvatedmolecular structures and over various time scales. Both electronic andvibrational mechanisms will be discussed, be they coherent or not. Theformal point of view will be presented as well as ways to access theproperties and mechanisms at play through experimental setups or numerical simulations.Find out more
- New Developments in Topological Condensed Matter Physics From September 2, 2019 to September 13, 2019Topological condensed matter physics continuous its rapid development.This event follows on from a Les Houches summer program in 2014. It will cover recentdevelopments, in a format which is a mixture of pedagogical overviewlectures and more focused research seminars, covering topics such asnon-equilibrium dynamics, new topological phases (e.g. fractons),higher dimensional topological order, and engineering of non-abelianexcitations. It will also provide a broader context of the field,including links to, e.g., quantum information and machine learning.Find out more
- Doctoral Training: Frontiers of Condensed Matter From September 16, 2019 to September 27, 2019Frontiers of Condensed Matter aims at offering final year Master students and junior PhD students a high-level training program in the general area of condensed matter physics. The session consists of lecture series on topics such as Quantum Transport, Topological Phases, Strongly Correlated Systems, and Quantum Information – complemented by more specialized pedagogical seminars on timely topics as well as poster sessions and discussion forums. It is the 7th event in a series of doctoral training sessions organized since 2010.Find out more
- Doctoral Training: Interaction of Light and Cold Atoms From September 30, 2019 to October 11, 2019The field of ultracold atoms has flourished into a very diverse and active community, involving hundreds of laboratories worldwide. Ultracold atoms are now commonly seen as a platform to study quantum phenomenon -- from molecular to many-body physics -- and to perform high-precision measurements. This school will gather early graduate students and focus on the physics of light and cold atom interactions. The school will also, following the established tradition, offer a serie of lectures on general aspects on cold atoms physics.Find out more
- Fermi Surface and Novel Phases in Strongly Correlated Electrons Systems From October 13, 2019 to October 18, 2019Exploring, understanding, and describing materials with strong electronic Coulomb correlations remain among the big challenges of modern condensed-matter physics. These materials exhibit novel phenomena like metal-to-insulator transitions, heavy fermions, unconventional superconductivity, unusual magnetism, stripe and nematic orders as well as clear deviations from the typical metallic behavior. This school, dedicated to young researchers, will cover from fundamental principles, techniques to new frontiers in this field.Find out more
- CERN Theory Department Retreat From November 6, 2019 to November 8, 2019
Published on June 22, 2018
Updated on December 13, 2019
Updated on December 13, 2019