Program 2014
Probing the strong interaction at a fixed target experiment with the LHC beams
January 12, 2014 - January 17, 2014
Development imaging
January 19, 2014 - January 24, 2014
Foresight seminar, Institut de Physique du CNRS
January 26, 2014 - January 31, 2014
Interdisciplinary energy prospective: towards a common toolbox for scenario assessment and design
February 2, 2014 - February 7, 2014
Reactivity of solids, kinetics, catalysis, definitions and applications of chemical sensors
February 9, 2014 - February 14, 2014
Nonlinear dispersive waves: theory, numerics and applications
February 16, 2014 - February 21, 2014
1st MicroCOR winter school on chemical imaging by coherent Raman and nonlinear microscopy
February 23, 2014 - February 28, 2014
GRANIT 2014 workshop: Quantum gravitationnal spectroscopy with ultra-cold systems
March 2, 2014 - March 7, 2014
Quantitative immunology
March 9, 2014 - March 14, 2014
New challenges in Turbulence research III
March 16, 2014 - March 21, 2014
Dust: from the troposphere to the interstellar medium
March 23, 2014 - March 28, 2014
Casimir physics
March 30, 2014 - April 4, 2014
Doctoral training: Structure and dynamics of complex networks
April 7, 2014 - April 18, 2014
The interaction of stars with the interstellar medium of galaxies
April 20, 2014 - April 25, 2014
Sensibility analysis, uncertainty quantification and numerical models exploration in environmental science
May 4, 2014 - May 9, 2014
Supernovae, gamma-ray bursts and induced gravitational collapse
May 11, 2014 - May 16, 2014
Protein dynamics
May 18, 2014 - May 23, 2014
On-surface synthesis
May 25, 2014 - May 30, 2014
Metastability and nucleation in water: theroy, experiments and applications
June 1, 2014 - June 6, 2014
Structures in local quantum field theory
June 9, 2014 - June 20, 2014
Doctoral training: Forth Les Houches school in computational physics: from quantum gases to strongly correlated systems
June 23, 2014 - July 4, 2014
Summer school: Integrated structural and cell biology: from molecules to cells and organisms: thinking out of the box
July 7, 2014 - August 1, 2014
Summer school: Topological aspects of condensed matter physics
August 4, 2014 - August 29, 2014
Doctoral training: Ultraviolet and X-ray spectroscopies for fundamental studies of correlated electron systems
September 1, 2014 - September 12, 2014
Doctoral training: Ultracold atoms - precision measurements
September 15, 2014 - September 26, 2014
Hyperpolarised noble gases
September 28, 2014 - October 3, 2014
Doctoral training: Internal geophysics
October 6, 2014 - October 17, 2014
La main à la pâte : graines de sciences
October 19, 2014 - October 24, 2014
LHCb-CERN-Team retreat
October 29, 2014 - October 31, 2014
CERN Theory group retreat
November 5, 2014 - November 7, 2014
Updated on July 13, 2017