Program 2021
- Optimization and Statistical Learning => Cancelled From January 17, 2021 to January 22, 2021This session will focus on recent advances in statistics, machine learning and mathematical optimization, with a special emphasis on their synergies with physical sciences, on both theoretical aspects and computational aspects in large-scale settings.Find out more
- Doctoral Training: Physics with Trapped Charged Particles => Cancelled From January 25, 2021 to February 5, 2021The school will cover various topics of physics with trapped charged particles. Lectures will cover basic trap physics and recent developments in Penning traps, Paul traps etc., collective behavior and (non-neutral) plasmas, as well as applications for fundamental physics, precision spectroscopy, quantum information, frequency standards, antimatter. Lectures will be systematically complemented by a series of tutorials/exercice sessions. Two poster sessions where participants present their work, and a half-day visit to CERN will also be organised. The participants will each receive a copy of the textbook that is written for the school and is based on the school held in 2015.Find out more
- New Challenges in Turbulence Research VI => Cancelled From February 7, 2021 to February 12, 2021Since its first edition, the school "New Challenges in Turbulence Research" aims to present in the format of pedagogical and high level lectures some of the recent advances and current questions in turbulence research in various fields. This session will focus on the transition to turbulence, the statistical physics and dynamics of large scales, atmospheric turbulence and Lagrangian turbulence. The school aims at PhD students and young and confirmed scientists seeking to deepen their knowledge in turbulence.Find out more
- nEDM 2021 => Cancelled From February 14, 2021 to February 19, 2021International Workshop on Searches for the Neutron Electric Dipole Moment.This will be the 4th installment in a series of workshops, aiming to foster cooperation in confronting the challenges of the worldwide search for an EDM of the free neutron. Invited and contributed presentations will survey progress about: production, transport, storage and detection of polarized ultracold neutrons; shielding and generation of magnetic fields; magnetometry; high voltage; Simulation tools; Systematic effects; Theoretical background; Other related EDM searches.Find out more
- Outstanding Challenges in Nonlinear Dynamics => Postponed to 2022 From February 21, 2021 to February 26, 2021Nonlinear dynamics has reached considerable breadth and diversification in recent years. Physicists are applying it in fields as diverse as fluid dynamics, climate and weather forecast, neuroscience, socioeconomic systems, and many more. On the one hand we have witnessed amazing progress in many of these fields, as seen, e.g., in the intriguing level of detail with which cardiac dynamics is now studied and modeled. On the other hand, this diversification in applications is somewhat masking the fact that we are presently facing substantial but similar challenges in different fields, cf. e.g. the collective dynamics of and on networks. This workshop will bring together researchers on nonlinear dynamics working in diverse fields and will focus on common topical challenges that are showing up in various applications.Find out more
- Applications of Hecke and Related Algebras: Representations, Integrability and Physics => Cancelled From February 28, 2021 to March 5, 2021This school is dedicated to researchers (with priority given to youngparticipants) interested in interactions between theoretical physicsand mathematics, specifically, between algebra and exactly solvablemodels, and with the main focus on Hecke and related algebras. Therewill be 4 mini-courses: on representation theory of quantum groups andcentraliser algebras, on integrable systems and statistical physicsmodels. The school is part of the ANR project “Applications of Heckealgebras: Representations, Knots and Physics”.Find out more
- EMBO Workshop on ImmunoBiophysics: from Fundamental Physics to Understanding of Immune Response => Cancelled From March 1, 2021 to March 31, 2021Dates to be confirmed. Please check the Website below.Find out more
- Winter School on Therapeutic Ultrasound => Cancelled From March 7, 2021 to March 12, 2021This Winter School will explore the rapidly emerging field of therapeutic ultrasound. Topics will range from an introduction to the physics and biophysics necessary for understanding these techniques through to their clinical application. This is a broad and complex topic in which the synergy of a multidisciplinary approach is particularly valuable. The Winter School will encourage this approach. Each topic will be covered by an invited speaker who is a world authority in the field.Find out more
- Doctoral Training: Son et Lumière 2021 - Coupling of Light to Sound Waves: Topics and Applications => CANCELLED From March 22, 2021 to April 2, 2021SEL2021 thematic school will constitute one of the sessions of the International School "Sound and Light", and will be devoted to nanophononics, the study - most often by optical methods, hence the name "Sound and Light" given to the series of schools – of acoustic waves in systems with a nanometric dimension or structure or even strong local heterogeneity. In 2021, an important place will be given to the study and imaging of viscoelastic biological objects by Brillouin scattering, Raman scattering and impulse methods, in close relation with the COST "BioBrillouin" ( out more
- Solar Orbiter: the Multi-Instruments Space Mission to the Sun => CANCELLED From April 5, 2021 to April 9, 2021Solar Orbiter is an ESA mission orbiting the Sun. Its mission is to solve the many mysteries of our star, from the origin of the solar wind that fills space, to the generation and variability of the solar magnetic field, and will address the central question of heliophysics: how does the Sun create and control the heliosphere?Exploitation of the mission will shape the activity of the international heliophysics community for the years to come. This workshop will provide training to young scientists in using the extremely various datasets and the tools specifically developed to analyze them.Find out more
- Doctoral Training: 7th Les Houches School in Numerical Physics: Dynamics of Complex Quantum Systems, from Theory to Computation => ON LINE SESSION From April 12, 2021 to April 23, 2021The aim of the school is to introduce beginning PhD students to the physicsof out-of equilibrium dynamics and thermalisation occuring in quantummany-body systems. The focus will be on learning numerical tools andmethods to address and resolve model problems occuring in the context ofcondensed matter systems and ultracold atomic gases.Find out more
- All-Optical Interrogation of Neuronal Networks in Vivo => CANCELLED From April 25, 2021 to April 30, 2021Thanks to the development of optogenetics, optical methods have become major tools for studying the neural mechanisms underlying perception, memory and behavior in animal models. Indeed, activity of neural networks can be recorded and modulated with high spatio-temporal precision using fluorescence microscopy and light-shaping strategies. In this school, we will describe the theoretical bases and recent advances of these methods, show the palette of available optogenetic tools and discuss analysis strategies.Find out more
- Quantum Dynamics and Spectroscopy of Funtional Molecular Materials and Biological Photosystems => ON LINE SESSION From May 2, 2021 to May 7, 2021ON-LINE event: event will focus on theoretical and experimental concepts as well as state-of-the-art methodologies in the study of photoinduced energy and charge transfer in molecular complexes, nanostructured materials, and biological aggregates. A focus area is the rapidly expanding investigation of these systems by nonlinear spectroscopies, necessitating intense exchange between experiment and theory.Find out more
- TSCR Workshop on Protein Dynamics From May 16, 2021 to May 21, 2021This workshop is a forum for presenting, teaching and discussing results from the application of state-of-the-art experimental (including, but not limited to, optical spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, XFELs, electron microscopy, AFM and scattering methods), and theoretical and computational approaches to studying protein dynamics.The Les Houches – TSRC Protein Dynamics Workshop complements the long-standing TSRC Protein Dynamics Workshop, held every other year in the odd calendar years at the Telluride Science Research Center in Telluride, Colorado. In Les Houches, about 30 invited speakers will give oral presentations that comprise a pedagogic introduction to the methodology employed, followed by applications from their own work (see the 2016 and 2018 editions). Each 30-minute presentation will be followed by 15 minutes of discussion.Find out more
- Doctoral Training: Plasmas in Extreme Environments: from Astrophysics to the Laboratory => CANCELLED From May 24, 2021 to June 4, 2021This school, the 6th session in a series organized at l'Ecole de Physique des Houches since 2011, is intended as a doctoral training program on plasma physics. It will cover the basics of the theory and simulation of plasmas. Space, astrophysical as well as laboratory plasmas will be considered with a special emphasis on the timely topic of plasmas under extreme conditions as found e.g. in the interior of planets, in the most violent astrophysical environments, or created using extreme-light lasers.Find out more
- Physics of the TeV Scale and Beyond the Standard: from Astrophysics to the Laboratory =>CANCELLED From June 7, 2021 to June 25, 2021The PhysTeV workshop series aims at pushing the frontier of fundamental science by searching for phenomena beyond the standard model of particle physics. World experts in experimental and theoretical physics are brought together to address fundamental problems raised notably by the Higgs boson discovery, dark matter and the disappearance of antimatter in the Universe, and to develop new techniques and original strategies to discover signals of new physics at TeV-scale particle colliders and precision low-energy experiments.Find out more
- Summer School: Core Mantle Interactions Through Time => CANCELLED From June 28, 2021 to July 23, 2021This summer school follows the CIDER program with two weeks of formal lectures and tutorials and two weeks of working on interdisciplinary research projects in small groups. The topics are chosen by brainstorming during the first two weeks. It is open to advanced PhD students and postdocs.Find out more
- Summer School: Dark Matter From July 26, 2021 to August 20, 2021Dark Matter is the substance that fills about 26% of the total budget of the Universe and that accounts for about 80% of the matter. By its very nature the topic lies at the intersection of different research fields: astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental particle physics. A coordinated approach among different disciplines is hence crucial to make progress.This School aims to to train the next generation of young researchers in the field with two main guidelines: 1) starting from the basics, with no theoretical (or experimental) prejudice; 2) making the most of the interdisciplinarity of the topic.Find out more
- Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Condensed Matter in the Time Domain => Cancelled From August 22, 2021 to August 27, 2021The relaxation dynamics of a non-equilibrium condensed matter state, created by external stimuli such as pulses of light, electric voltages, or particles, reveals information about underlying microscopic physical processes. The workshop will discuss experimental and theoretical tools to address the this non-equilibrium dynamics in the time domain.Find out more
- The Multiple Scattering Green's Function Approach to Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy Calculations From August 30, 2021 to September 10, 2021The purpose of this school is to provide a detailed overview of Green’s function methods in elec-tronic structure and spectroscopies, on the basis of multiple scattering theory. Leading experts coming from complementary disciplines will present the mathematical foundations of scattering theory, the basics of multiple scattering in the Green’s function and T-matrix approach, and applications. This school will provide early stage researchers with the necessary background and experience on multiple scattering techniques for possible application in their particular field of interest in condensed matter research.Find out more
- Doctoral Training: Quantum Simulations with Ultracold Atomic Gases From September 13, 2021 to September 24, 2021Ultracold atoms have become extremely well controlled systems, and are now an efficient platform for quantum simulations. This field has flourished into a very active community in the last years. The school aims at gathering early graduate students coming from different countries. The school consists of a first week dedicated to general aspects of ultracold atomic physics and a second week about more specific aspects of quantum simulations and an opening to the physics of polaritons.Find out more
Published on October 2, 2020
Updated on December 6, 2021
Updated on December 6, 2021