Program 2025

  • Physics of AI Algorithms – PHAIA 2025
    From January 12, 2025 to January 17, 2025
    This session will focus on recent advances in statistics, machine learning and mathematical optimization, with a special emphasis on their synergies with physical sciences, on both theoretical aspects and computational aspects in large-scale settings in the new context of deep learning.
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  • CERAMJOULE 2025 National Workshop: Shaping, Sintering, Microstructure and Functional Properties of Ceramic Materials for Energy Production and Storage
    From January 19, 2025 to January 24, 2025
    This workshop focuses on the study of the relationships between manufacturing processes, microstructure and properties of ceramic materials used for the production or storage of energy (thermoelectrics, piezoelectrics, fuel cells, capacitors, batteries, photovoltaics, nuclear fuels, etc.). The theoretical approaches and simulation will have their place. This workshop is national in scope. It aims to bring together academic researchers and from public establishments, as well as industrial researchers and students for a week of scientific exchanges. The program will be structured around invited lectures lasting one hour, followed by 10-15 minutes of questions. Following these lectures, there will be sessions based on shorter communications of 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of questions. There will also be two 2-hours slots, distributed throughout the week, for poster sessions.
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  • Towards a Theory for Typical-Case Algorithmic Hardness
    From January 27, 2025 to February 7, 2025
    The workshop will cover typical-case algorithmic hardness, with a special focus on creating bridges between the complementary approaches of theoretical computer science and statistical physics, identifying the crucial open question in the field and linking rigorous and non-rigorous methods. We will have a set of in-depth lectures, many seminars covering state-of-the-art advances, a poster session and plenty of discussion time.
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  • New Challenges in Turbulence Research VII
    From February 9, 2025 to February 14, 2025
    The thematic school "New Challenges in Turbulence Research VII" will offer its participants a detailed view on major topics of the current research on fluid turbulence. It is part of a series of international schools held, since its first edition in 2010, at the École de Physique des Houches in the French Alps. It will take place from the 9th to 14th of February, 2025.
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  • From Soft Matter to Biophysics 2025
    From February 16, 2025 to February 21, 2025
    Soft matter physics has historically contributed significantly to the emergence of the field of biological physics. But today, the two fields do not often have the opportunity to meet. This workshop therefore aims to bring the two communities together to discuss their latest advances and promote increased porosity in their respective methods and interests. The workshop will focus in particular on the hot topics of synthetic biology engineering and functional active materials.
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  • Quantum Dynamics and Spectroscopy of Functional Molecular Materials and Biological Photosystems
    From February 23, 2025 to March 7, 2025
    The understanding of ultrafast photochemical reactions in complex molecular systems, exemplified by light harvesting in photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes and by the generation of excitons and free charges in optoelectronic materials, poses a formidable challenge. In order to unravel these photoinduced nonequilibrium phenomena, a multidisciplinary research effort is required, combining the most recent developments in ultrafast spectroscopies and molecular-level theory and computation.
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  • Therapeutic Ultrasound: from Theory to Practice
    From March 9, 2025 to March 14, 2025
    This Winter School will explore the rapidly emerging field of therapeutic ultrasound. Topics will range from an introduction to the physics and biophysics necessary for understanding these techniques through to their clinical application. This is a broad and complex topic in which the synergy of a multidisciplinary approach is particularly valuable. Lecturers will include world renown physicists, biologists and clinicians.
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  • Parameterizations for Global Dynamical Models in Climatology, Astrophysics and Planetology
    From March 16, 2025 to March 21, 2025
    The workshop, partially supported by the Simons Foundation, aims to bring together researchers studying fluid mechanics problems relevant to small-scale and fast processes, which are currently parameterized in global geophysical and astrophysical models. Many challenges are common across atmospheric science, oceanography, planetology, and astrophysics. Our goal is to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation by breaking down the boundaries that often separate these scientific communities.
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  • Contac-Terre: Imaginaries of Energy and Ecological Transition
    From March 23, 2025 to March 28, 2025
    This workshop brings together scientists and artists to explore the complex dynamics of climate change and the energy transition. Through artistic and scientific collaborations, we aim to create interactive performances and installations, engaging the public in a profound reflection on the ecological challenges and the urgent need for action.
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  • Planet Mars – VI
    From March 30, 2025 to April 4, 2025
    The Planet Mars VI workshop is the 6th edition dedicated to understanding Mars through an interdisciplinary approach relying heavily on data from space missions and models. The aim of the workshop is to bring together senior and young researchers, postdocs and PhD students, to provide training on all key topics of Mars science, and a venue for discussing current research. A special attention will be given to the analysis and interpretation of space data, and preparing for forthcoming missions.
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  • Feeling the Pull and the Pulse of Relativistic Magnetospheres
    From April 6, 2025 to April 11, 2025
    This workshop aims at bringing together world experts in the field of relativistic plasma astrophysics to discuss recent progress in the understanding of magnetized plasmas surrounding neutron stars and black holes and related astrophysical phenomena from an observational, theoretical and computational perspectives.
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  • Third Town Hall KM3NeT Meeting: Connecting with the Astroparticle Physics Community
    From April 13, 2025 to April 18, 2025
    The KM3NeT Collaboration is organizing the third Town Hall Meeting to present its status and performances, to promote its multi-messenger programs and to initiate/reinforce projects with external collaborators. KM3NeT is instrumenting two deep-sea neutrino detectors in the Mediterranean Sea, ORCA in France and ARCA in Italy. Thanks to the unprecedented angular resolution, the extended energy range and the full sky coverage, KM3NeT will play an important role in the rapidly evolving multi-messenger field.
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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing: Theory and Current State of Play
    From April 20, 2025 to April 25, 2025
    The aim of the workshop is to put together experimentalists, theorists and engineers workingin both academia and the private sector to discuss the various aspects of the theory of fault-tolerantquantum computing and to provide a complete view of the current state of the art inbuilding a large-scale quantum computer. More specifically, the objective is to compare thelatest theoretical advances in the field of quantum error correction with the current state ofthe art in hardware in order to better identify the roadblocks that will need to be overcome inthe coming years.
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  • Immunobiophysics: From Fundamental Physics to Understanding the Immune Response - Third Edition
    From April 27, 2025 to May 2, 2025
    Immune recognition and effector mechanisms are largely mediated through direct cell-cell contacts, which elicit biochemical and mechanical signals that coordinate immune cell activation. While much progress has been made in understanding the biochemical reactions triggered by cellular communication, a role for mechanical force in shaping immune cell behaviour has only recently emerged. This meeting will explore immune cell regulation from a distinctly physical and mechanical perspective, with the aim of advancing opportunities for translational impact in human health and disease.
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  • Lithium Niobate on Insulator Integrated Photonics from Fabrication to Classical and Quantum Applications
    From May 12, 2025 to May 23, 2025
    The workshop is dedicated to bring leaders in integrated photonics platform of Lithium Niobate On Insulator (LNOI) together with the aim of providing an overview on the advances that have been achieved over the last years, use this overview to speculate about future opportunities of LNOI and provide recommendations on how these opportunties can be realized by coordinated research efforts. The workshop will cover all aspects, including simulation and fabrication, devices that use electro-optic and nonlinear optical properties of LNOI, and applications spanning from quantum optical to classical. This workshop is motivated as shortly after its emergence, the LNOI platform has taken the performance of electro-optical and nonlinear optical devices to a higher level, taking the lead over the bulk lithium niobate-based compounds developed over the last decades, making this unique workshop very timely as it will provide a forcast of the future of this platfrom and boost coordinated research collaborations.
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  • Finite and Algorithmic Model Theory
    From May 25, 2025 to May 30, 2025
    The workshop aims at bringing together researchers working on finite andalgorithmic model theory (FAMT). FAMT has found applications in areas asdiverse as database theory, computational complexity, graph theory,verification, automata theory, proof complexity, or algorithmic gametheory.
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  • Microwave Amplifiers in the Quantum Regime
    From June 1, 2025 to June 6, 2025
    This workshop aims to bring together the world-leading experts in the field of amplifiers operating in the quantum regime. Such amplifiers are a key technology for experiments and applications involving the detection of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave domain, such as quantum information sciences with solid state platforms, astronomy or dark matter search.
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  • Interfacial Soft Matter: Mechanics, Physical Chemistry and Interactions
    From June 8, 2025 to June 13, 2025
    Interfaces are at the heart of a wealth of challenging problems in today’s soft matter science, from friction and lubrication to charged surfaces and “smart” functional layers requiring novel syntheses. Additionally, many non-equilibrium systems give rise to spontaneous mobility of particles and droplets without the need for an external action. All of these systems, by virtue of their grouping under the heading of “soft”, typically bear the signatures of thermal fluctuations and Brownian motion.
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  • Physics of the TeV Scale and Beyond the Standard Model (PhysTeV) "New Horizons in Physics"
    From June 16, 2025 to July 4, 2025
    The PhysTeV workshop focuses on fundamental physics at the intersection of theory and experiments, particularly at CERN's LHC and in high-precision quantum measurements. It addresses shortcomings of the Standard Model, like dark matter, the antimatter absence, and electroweak naturalness. PhysTeV also aims to advance quantum field theory and improve Standard Model predictions. Theorists and experimentalists unite to explore new physics and foster collaboration across particle physics and related fields.
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  • Summer School: The Dark Universe
    From July 7, 2025 to August 1, 2025
    The 2025 summer school focuses on the present and future of cosmology. The program includes lectures on the physics of the late acceleration of the universe's expansion, exploring links with high-energy physics and the relevance of current theoretical models for understanding upcoming data.
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  • Summer School: Exact Solvability and Quantum Information
    From August 4, 2025 to August 29, 2025
    One of the most successful modern approaches to interacting quantum systems is through the concept of quantum information. The school will cover mainly topics in quantum information applied to condensed matter many-body physics (tensor networks, random circuits, topological excitations, quantum simulators, transport, effect of chaos and decoherence), as well as their relations to high energy physics/holography. The theoretical perspective is centered on integrability and exact solvability in a broader sense.
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  • Doctoral Training: Blaumann’s Loop Quantum Gravity School
    From September 1, 2025 to September 12, 2025
    The school will introduce the general concepts of Loop Quantum Gravity, its roots into general relativity, and the key techniques and recent results in the field, from black hole physics (entropy counting, singularity resolution) and cosmology (big bounce scenarios, cosmological perturbations), to the interplay with quantum information (entanglement entropy and subregions of spacetime), and the possibility of table-top experiments (measuring gravity-mediated entanglement).
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  • Doctoral Training: SUCCESS-2025 - School on Ultraviolet and X-Ray Spectroscopies of Correlated and Topological Electron Systems
    From September 15, 2025 to September 26, 2025
    Strong electron correlations and topology lie at the heart of quantum materials and their exotic states of matter. These are best understood by studying their electronic structure. This school, addressed to PhD students and young researchers, will introduce the recent experimental and theoretical developments in UV and X-ray spectroscopies, from their basic principles to their applications in the study of correlated materials.
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  • Novel Phases, Superconductivity and Emergent Electronic Properties in Quantum Materials
    From September 28, 2025 to October 3, 2025
    New phases, superconductivity and emerging electronic properties in quantum materials will deal with systems in which strong electronic interactions with degrees of freedom of charge, spin and orbit induce new quantum states. This one-week European School will provide the common theoretical and experimental basis needed to study these quantum materials, but also the new trends in the field. This school is primarily aimed at PhD students and early career researchers.
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  • LISA School for Early-Career Scientists
    From October 6, 2025 to October 17, 2025
    The LISA School for Early-Career Scientists is designed for students and postdocs interested in the science of the LISA gravitational-wave observatory. It will feature lectures on key topics such as astrophysics, cosmology, fundamental physics, instrumentation, waveform modeling, and data analysis, complemented by hands-on tutorials and soft-skill training. We expect 20 invited speakers and lectures. The school aims to train future research leaders while promoting collaboration among young researchers.
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  • Doctoral Training: Cold Atoms and Quantum Metrology: from Optomechanics to Tests of Fundamental Physics
    From October 20, 2025 to October 31, 2025
    This school will address various contemporary topics within cold atoms and quantum metrology, such as optical clocks, metrology tools, optomechanics and squeezing, both in theory and experiment, facilitating a deep understanding of precision measurements.Descriptions of fundamental physics measurements, such as studies of molecular hydrogen and the variation of fundamental constants, will provide students with a broader perspective on the applications of metrology.
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  • CERN Theory Department Retreat
    From November 5, 2025 to November 7, 2025
    A meeting of the fellows and staff members of CERN's TH department, to review its scientific activities and recent results, to learn more about each other's research, and to familiarize the new members with CERN's scientific environment and with the rest of the group.
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Published on  September 4, 2024
Updated on February 5, 2025