Physics of Complex Systems and Global Change

March 10, 2024 - March 15, 2024
Complex systems are underlying some of the major issues of global change in the 21st century, that are jeopardizing a sustainable existence on our planet. From atmospheric and ocean dynamics to climate change, from ecosystems to the loss of biological diversity, or from energy consumption to economic crises - it is a characteristic that these systems are strongly cross-linked and influence each other. Complexity science and dynamical systems provide general frameworks for the characterization, analysis, and forecast of such systems and are offering methods for the study of extreme events and tipping points. This binational workshop will bring together scientists from climate sciences and ecology with experts in complexity science in order to discuss topical challenges of global transformations and to foster collaborations not only between the two countries, but also between the various fields involved.
This session is organized by :
Prof. Dr. Theo GEISEL, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization
Prof. Dr. Hugues CHATÉ, CNRS-CEA Saclay

More information can be found on the session's website.
Published on  October 3, 2023
Updated on  October 3, 2023