Summer School: Emergent Electronic States Confined at Interfaces => REMOTED
Summer school
July 6, 2020 - July 24, 2020
Transition metal oxide surfaces and interfaces, twisted bilayer graphene and dichalcogenide bilayers host emergent electronic states arising from an interplay of crystal structure, kinetics, Coulomb interactions, orbital specialization and
spin-orbit contributions. These confined systems can be driven across insulator to metal or to superconductor transitions, and in some cases large magneto-resistive or spin fluctuation regimes. Topological properties are also expected for several
materials. The scope of the school is to present the theoretical approaches and experimental tools allowing us to capture the physics at play for these emergent states. Spintronics and oxide electronics applications will also be discussed.?
Summer School organized by:
Marc GABAY, Université Paris-Sud-Paris-Saclay, France
Masashi KAWASAKI, University of Tokyo, Japan
Andrew MILLIS, Columbia University and Flatiron Institute, USA
Jean-Marc TRISCONE, University of Geneva, Switzerland
More information can be found on the Summer School's Website.
To download the School's Poster please click HERE.
To see the Trombinoscope please click HERE, and click on slideshow to start it.
For the School's Videos, please click HERE.
Marc GABAY, Université Paris-Sud-Paris-Saclay, France
Masashi KAWASAKI, University of Tokyo, Japan
Andrew MILLIS, Columbia University and Flatiron Institute, USA
Jean-Marc TRISCONE, University of Geneva, Switzerland
More information can be found on the Summer School's Website.
To download the School's Poster please click HERE.
To see the Trombinoscope please click HERE, and click on slideshow to start it.
For the School's Videos, please click HERE.
Published on December 5, 2019
Updated on August 13, 2020
Updated on August 13, 2020