Summer school: Integrability in atomic and condensed matter physics
Summer school
July 30, 2018 - August 24, 2018
Many developments have recently occurred in the field of exactly-solvable quantum models in one dimension. Integrability-based methods have found applications in describing equilibrium dynamical properties of spin chains and quantum gases,
allowed to study transport problems in detail, and have opened up new research fronts in out-of-equilibrium physics. The purpose of this school is to provide a solid grounding in integrability and its applications, bringing young researchers
up-to-date with the most recent developments.
Summer school organized by:
Jean-Sébastien CAUX, Amsterdam, NL
Nicolaï KITANINE, Dijon, France
Andreas KLÜMPER, Wuppertal, Germany
Robert KONIK, Brookhaven, USA
The full cost per participant, including housing, meals and the book of lecture notes
is 1800€.
For more information, please check the Summer school's website.
The applications are now closed.
Please note that answers to applicants will be given by the 30th of April.
To download the School's poster, please click here.
Jean-Sébastien CAUX, Amsterdam, NL
Nicolaï KITANINE, Dijon, France
Andreas KLÜMPER, Wuppertal, Germany
Robert KONIK, Brookhaven, USA
The full cost per participant, including housing, meals and the book of lecture notes
is 1800€.
For more information, please check the Summer school's website.
The applications are now closed.
Please note that answers to applicants will be given by the 30th of April.
To download the School's poster, please click here.
Published on November 15, 2017
Updated on August 13, 2020
Updated on August 13, 2020