Interfacial Soft Matter: Mechanics, Physical Chemistry and Interactions

June 8, 2025 - June 13, 2025
Interfaces are at the heart of a wealth of challenging problems in today’s soft matter science, from friction and lubrication to charged surfaces and “smart” functional layers requiring novel syntheses. Additionally, many non-equilibrium systems give rise to spontaneous mobility of particles and droplets without the need for an external action. All of these systems, by virtue of their grouping under the heading of “soft”, typically bear the signatures of thermal fluctuations and Brownian motion.
In this context, we are excited to invite young researchers (PhD students and postdocs) to participate in this summer school focused on the above-listed topics. The confirmed invited lecturers are:
- David Andelman (Tel Aviv Univ.),
- Catherine Barentin (ILM Lyon),
- Marie-Pierre Krafft (ICS Strasbourg),
- Corinna Maass (Univ. Twente),
- Emmanuelle Rio (LPS Orsay),
- Ralf P. Richter (Univ. Leeds),
- Thomas Salez (LOMA Bordeaux)

This session is organized by:
-Lionel BUREAU (LIPhy Grenoble)
-Benjamin CROSS (LIPhy Grenoble),
-Vincent LADMIRAL (ICGM Montpellier)
-Joshua D. MCGRAW (Gulliver - ESPCI Paris)

More information can be found on the session's website.
Published on  October 9, 2024
Updated on  February 5, 2025